Thursday, January 30, 2020

Og Mandino's 17 Rules to Live By. 6 min.

My friend Og Mandino wrote the 17 rules to live by in his book "Better Way to Live." With his permission, I have altered them slightly for you to use as affirmations. Affirm these 17 rules by repeating them three times a day with enthusiasm, and you will notice a significant positive improvement in your life. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Dr. Paul Napper discusses "The Power of Agency":

There is a silent epidemic that is ravaging America, one that is lurking below the headlines: our near-constant state of anxiety. One in five people are currently diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can paralyze our thinking, decision-making, and actions, and it can even damage or long-term physical health. We've lost our agency: the ability to deal with stress and act as an effective agent for ourselves-thinking, reflecting, and acting in ways that direct us toward the lives we want. Dr. Napa tells us how we can increase our agency. To get a free special report from Dr. Napper entitled: The seven best ways to prevent yourself from being manipulated, request it at include your name and email address..

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Rev. Winn explains the connection between Addiction and the Lord's Prayer

The Lord's prayer is unsurpassed in all of Christian theology. It is the most widely known and most frequently quoted prayer, and his actual use exceeds all other prayers put together. The Lord's prayer forms the only common ground for all of the Christian churches when fully understood and accepted it can help cure the disease of addiction, totally and permanently. Let me present my understanding, a metaphysical interpretation, of the Lord's prayer

Check out this episode!