Dr. Robert O young discusses the effects of graphene/iron oxide nanoparticles that are being found in the bloodstreams of people who have received the Covid-2 "vaccine" or died from sudden adult death syndrome. Please tell your family, friends, and associates to listen to my podcast and subscribe. It is available at freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
This is the Total Tutor's 24/7 blog! Have a question about your homework? Blog it or just comment!
Friday, December 30, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Dr. Betsy Eads Shares lifesaving information concerninng Covid issues
Dr. Betsy Eads shares important messages with life-saving potential in this must-hear interview. Share this podcast with your friends, family, and associates: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Tommy Armstrong talks about mRNA gene therapy
Tommy Armstrong, Kentucky researcher and representative of Mission Possible World Health INTL, discusses mRNA gene therapy and other Covid related issues. Please share this podcast with your family, friends, and associates and ask them to subscribe to the free service at: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Dr. Ralph LaGuardia, MD discusses fever in the current respiratory "tridemic"
Dr. Ralph LaGuardia, MD, in his book "the Bible of Alternative Medicine," discusses fever, especially in the current respiratory tridemic, and what to do about it. Send your family, friends, and associates to my podcast (freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Dr. Ralph LaGuardia explains the importance of vitamin D3 and other nonprescription supplements
Dr. Ralph LaGuardia, the author of the Bible of Alternative Medicine, explains the importance of vitamin D3 and other nonprescription supplements in part 2 of his series. Vitamin D3 in therapeutic doses is the first line of defense in preventing viral illnesses. Send your family, friends, and associates to this free podcast. The link is: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Dr. Betty Martini discusses the reason Commercial Jetliners may be
This is a sad commentary says Dr. Betty Martini. Just recently, it was discussed because of the lack of enough pilots, soon there will be commercial jets flown with only one pilot. Since they mandated the vaxx, some died, and some now have cardiac problems. Here is that article: https://rense.com/general97/airlines-about-to-cut-corners.php Pilots have been dying for years due to aspartame. You will see in the URL above our Pilot alert by Dr. Russell Blaylock who explains sudden death.
This new article tells how the pilots who have been vaxxed are flying but many are sick with cardiac problems it causes. A Swiss study on the vaxx shot recently on 777 people showed within three days, 100% developed cardiac problems. They know if they tell the story they will lose their jobs. Also discussed are the passengers who are sick. In the video below, note the mention that if something happens to the pilot you can lose everybody on the plane. With one pilot, there is nobody left to fly. Over the years, I've listened to so many pilot cases, everything from heart attacks and seizures to sudden death. Our representative for Aviation safety is Captain Fred Fox, an aspartame victim with Afib, who had to retire. He tirelessly warned the pilots on American Airlines. He can be seen in the documentary: "Sweet Remedy". But it gets even worse, aspartame interacts with vaccines and drugs. Of course, the vaxx shot is only masquerading as a vaccine. It was patented under the classification of a nano bioweapon. It is of interest the symptoms of the jab are identical to those of aspartame.
VACCINATION INFORMATION - Action Network https://actionnetwork.org › user_files › original
All vaccines contain aspartame which is made from toxic chemicals and pork extracts. 7. Vaccines are grown on animal tissues.
Read on below for the new article, and safeguard your family and friends.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible World Health Intl. www.mpwhi.com 770 242-2599 Pilots Speak Out - Captain Alan Dana https://odysee.com/@CarterHeavyIndustries:6/pilots-yocarditis:4
Monday, December 12, 2022
Tommy Armstrong discusses the Internet of your body
Tommy Armstrong discusses a presentation by Dr. Joseph Mercola on what I am calling the Internet of Your Body. It tells how the powers that be instituted a "software of life, plug-and-play" program which came from a weaponized injection that they referred to as a "vaccine." Send your family, friends, and associates to my free podcast to subscribe to hear the truth just below the surface. It is available, and the link is: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Real Climate Cataclysms by Paul Driessen
In this podcast, Paul Driessen gives his opinion on real climate change versus what we have going on today. Send your family, friends, and associates to my free podcast at: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Dr. Ralph LaGuardia MD, discusses the Bible of Alternative Medicine
Dr. LaGuardia begins a three-part series talking about his book: "The Bible of Alternative Medicine." In this segment, we talk about general health principles, hydration, sleep, the need for sunshine and vitamin D3, minerals and trace elements, and vitamins. He also talks about "the Hall of Fame immune stimulants." Send your family, friends, and associates to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
- Estimates suggest China has stolen between $200 billion and $600 billion in trade secrets and intellectual property every year for the last two decades. The end game of all this cyber espionage is to rule the world
- The globalist cabal that seeks to “reset” the world intends to replicate the Chinese surveillance and control system worldwide, but whether they’ll actually allow the Chinese to rule their New World Order is up for debate
- Cyberattacks and hacking have become a primary business, but cyberwarfare is also being used on the national level to destroy dissenters of the NWO. Right now, they’re primarily censoring inconvenient truths about all things relating to COVID, but in the future, they will silence discussion on any topic that threatens undemocratic rule by globalists
- When hackers destroyed my website and email servers, they clearly had no intention of making money off of it. They wanted to destroy our infrastructure in order to silence us
- One of the most aggressive promoters of illegal cyberwarfare against U.S. citizens is Bill Gates-funded pediatrician Dr. Peter Hotez. Twice, the science journal Nature has published articles by Hotez in which he calls for the use of cyberwarfare assaults on American citizens who disagree with official COVID narratives
This is the opinion of Dr. Joseph Mercola. To dive deeper, go to: mercola.com.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Respiratory syncytial virus outbreak… Why now?
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is all over the United States right now. Why is this important?
First, RSV can cause severe disease. According to the CDC, it is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than one year of age in the United States. And each year, RSV results in millions of outpatient visits for young children, tens of thousands of hospitalizations among children and adults aged 65 and older, and thousands of deaths.
We have never seen this outbreak of RSV so early. And the rates keep increasing daily.
Secondly, experts give no reason for the alarming and rapidly spreading infections in children and adults over 65. But in my observation of what has been happening with the weaponized COVID-19 toxic injections, and the fact that by the 4th injection, the recipients, as scientific studies have shown, 100% of their innate immune system has been destroyed. A true weaponized mass COVID-19 injection, another WMD [Weapon of Mass Destruction], leaving those taking these injections up to 100% defenseless against all the seasonal diseases, be they natural or manmade.
Third, it is no doubt that children whose parents have been COVID-19 injected, also have lost, or progressively are losing their innate immune system from the transmission {some like to use the word shedding} of the immune destructive toxic chemicals that are found by Microscopy by scientists. This must be the reasonable conclusion for the rapid spread of the disease as well as others coming down the pike, natural or synthetic (laboratory manmade diseases).
Fourth, with a big majority of the seniors at home, in hospitals, and in nursing homes already having their immune systems destroyed by the weaponized COVID-19 toxic, life-threatening injections that left them with no innate, GOD-created immune system, death will be the evidential result. There is no treatment available for RSV.
Fifth, just because the supposed experts say that it mainly affects children 6 and under and seniors 65 and older does not mean those between the age of 7 and 64 are safe either. Those in that age group that have taken one to 5 of those weaponized COVID-19 injections will also have the same outcome. From 25% loss of their innate immune system from the first injection to 100% after the fourth injection. With 100% loss (destruction) of the injected human experimental serum, the injected will be susceptible to one disease but possibly numerous diseases at the same time. It is time for them, before it is too late, to get their affairs in order.
No doubt, there will be many in the alternative field of natural medicine to try to come up with natural remedies to treat and cure these diseases or so-called viruses. However, being into the studies of natural, medicinal product studies as I have been in the past years, and I might say have had exceptional results with myself, family, and friends, I have learned one of many important things for these types of therapies to work successfully. For them to work successfully, you must have a good healthy diet and, most importantly, an immune system to work with. In many cases where the diseases have progressed so far, the individual has an over-compromised immune system, alternative natural medicines will not work very successfully. However, when the weaponized COVID-19 toxic injection has destroyed your entire innate immune system 100%, there is no cure whether conventional or alternative that will be effective.
To the un-COVID-19 injected, you should take all the necessary actions necessary to protect yourself and your family from the RVS even if you have a strong immune system or it is compromised. Hand washing, keep your distance from others. Avoid large gatherings of groups of people inside homes or buildings, which would compromise you to airborne infection.
Ask your family, friends, and associates to sign up for this podcast at: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Monday, November 14, 2022
What Do We Know About "Long-Covid?"
- Long COVID refers to symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection. Many are also reporting long COVID symptoms after getting the COVID shot
- Symptoms of long COVID include but are not limited to brain fog, memory problems, headaches, blurred vision, loss of smell, nerve pain, heart rate fluctuations, dramatic blood pressure swings, and muscle weakness. The feeling of “internal electric shocks” are also reported
- The primary difference between post-jab long COVID and long COVID symptoms after infection is that in people who get it from the infection, early treatment is withheld, and the resulting infection is severe. Post-jab long COVID, on the other hand, can occur either after a very mild breakthrough infection or no breakthrough infection at all.
- Several different theories about the mechanisms behind long COVID are reviewed, as are treatment options
- Swiss research has found the rate of subclinical myocarditis is hundreds of times more common than clinical myocarditis after mRNA injection, and ALL mRNA shot recipients had elevated troponin levels, indicating they had some level of heart injury, even if they were asymptomatic.
- Dive deeper at mercola.com under the title: Is long Covid the elephant in the room?
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Science for Hire: a Gary Null film, explores Death by Medicine
- “Science for Hire,” produced by Gary Null, is a film that tackles some of the most critical scientific issues threatening the health and well-being of the U.S. public
- Long-standing systemic corruption in medical organizations and medical schools, federal regulatory agencies, and academic journals has led to a world where pseudoscience and misinformation rules
- Elected officials and the media are captured by the highest bidder, and those who dare speak out against the establishment are attacked, their careers often destroyed in the process
- The film covers a wide range of topics — from corruption at Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — an arm of the National Institutes of Health — to the opioid epidemic
- Set aside two hours to watch the film in its entirety for an eye-opening look at the dark side of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military-industrial complexes
In 2003, Gary Null, Ph.D., was a co-author of the bombshell “Death by Medicine” article1, which described how the conventional American medical system had become the No. 1 leading cause of death and injury in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 783,936 people annually. Now, Null is the executive producer of “Science for Hire,” a film that tackles some of the most critical scientific issues threatening the health and well-being of the U.S. public.2
Due to long-standing systemic corruption in medical organizations and medical schools, federal regulatory agencies, and academic journals, “we enter a world where pseudoscience and misinformation rules.”3 Elected officials and the media are captured by the highest bidder, and those who dare speak out against the establishment are attacked, their careers often destroyed in the process.
There’s no separation between governments and the pharmaceutical industry which operate, the film notes, “in lockstep … to erect an unregulated global regime, a ‘Great Reset,’ that will dictate what we can eat, what medical interventions are permitted and banned, and the rewards and punishments that legislate our choices.”4
The film covers a wide range of topics — from corruption at Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — an arm of the National Institutes of Health — to the opioid epidemic. I urge you to set aside two hours to watch the entire film for an eye-opening look at the dark side of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military-industrial complexes.
Go to: mercola.com to get the link to the video. Send your family, friends, and associates to : freedomfromaddiction.libsyn. com to hear this podcast.
Jane Jenkins Herlong Talks about her new book, "Sweet Tea Wisdom"
Our guest, A Sirius XM humorist, hall of fame speaker, professional singer, former Miss South Carolina, and author of 5 books, discusses her new book: Sweet Tea Wisdom. Tell your family, friends, and associates to go to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Mark Hayden, MD discusses GI-T cell Covid immunity
Dr. Mark Hayden, MD discusses the benefit of gastrointestinal T cell immunity versus the mRNA gene therapy vax.
T cells are key players in the adaptive immune system. When the body is invaded by a foreign substance like a virus or bacteria, the immune system rallies one of its earliest lines of defense, helper T cells.
Helper T cells may call on their allies to kickstart antibody production to support the fight against the disease. Helper T cells also alert other types of T cells to the presence of foreign invaders to be targeted and destroyed.
After the body has fought off an infection or disease, a small number of T cells remain in the blood. They are called memory T cells and their job is to remember how to ward off these invaders if they ever return.
T-Detect COVID is the first T cell test for COVID-19 available in the U.S. to those over age 18. It measures T cells instead of antibodies to detect recent or past SARS-CoV-2 infection (the virus that causes COVID-19).
T cells are the first responders of the adaptive immune system and activate the antibody response. While antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) naturally wane and are detectable in the shorter term, T cell responders can persist in the blood long after antibody responses wane.
T-Detect COVID can detect T cells in the blood and recognize the SARS-CoV-2 virus for up to 10 months after symptoms appear with a 90% sensitivity.
T-Detect COVID can detect an immune response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, to assess recent or past infection. It is not intended for the diagnosis of active/current SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The T-Detect COVID Assay is intended for use as an aid in identifying individuals with an immune response to SARS-CoV-2, indicating recent or prior infection. The T-Detect COVID Assay uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to assess the rearranged T-cell receptor beta (TCRβ) gene sequences present in genomic DNA isolated from human peripheral blood. This test is not intended for diagnosis of active SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Tell your family, friends, and associates to listen to this important podcast by using this link: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
PCR is not a diagnostic test!
You need to watch this very important 12-minute video (Stew Peters interviews Dr. Aryana Love) to find out the true purpose of the PCR test. The Inventor of the PCR test said at the beginning the PCR test was not for diagnosis. Then he conveniently died and Big Pharma bought it. You will see when you click below you can't deny this information on human cloning because it's on the NIH website. It's indisputable, but the "fact-checkers" who were created to misinform, probably will find some excuse. Please pass it on and warn others who think the PCR is a diagnostic test. Send your friends to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
What about Remdesivir?
This podcast talks about Remdesivir, given to hospitalized patients who have been diagnosed with Covid based on a discredited PCR test. freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Dr. Alvin Perry talks about the over eating addiction in his book "Just Fat"
Dr. Alvin Perry talks about weight loss from his book: "Just Fat!" and how he used three basic principles to lose 80 pounds. Send your family, friends, and neighbors to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Dr. Ralph LaGuardia. Gang of 7 Treatment for Covid-19
In this podcast, Dr. Ralph LaGuardia, MD tells about the "Gang of Seven" treatment and prevention of Covid-19 from his book "Infected." Send your family and friends to this podcast at freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
CDC backtracks on Covid guidance as explained by Children's Health Defender
This podcast explains how the CDC has backtracked on its Covid 19 guidelines reversing what they used to call misinformation. Send your family and friends an invitation to subscribe to this free podcast@freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
The CDC is changing its tune about Covid-19 misinformation
Initial comments about efficacy, transmissibility, and safety issues from outside the CDC platform were labeled misinformation. Now they are changing their tune admitting that this wasn't misinformation at all. Send your family and friends to: freedom from addiction.lbsyn.com.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Dr. LaGuardia explains from where the Covid-19 virus Originated in his book "Infected."
In this podcast, Dr. Ralph LaGuardia, MD discusses where the Covid-19 virus originated and many other interesting and important facts. His book, "Infected" is highly recommended providing truth just below the surface. Follow Dr. LaGuardia next week on this podcast Send your friends to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Investigative researcher Tommy Armstrong talks about Covid-19
In this podcast, Tommy Armstrong, Kentucky representative, and investigative researcher talks about Covid 19. Send your friends to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Ashley Davis Bush explains " Light after loss" from her new book
In today's podcast, Ashley Davis Bush tells about healing from loss, especially the death of a loved one, from her perspective as a 30-year psychotherapist. ...freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Friday, August 19, 2022
Valentina Tjan explains why, "The Best is Yet to Come" from her new book.
This podcast guest, Valentina Tjan, explains in her memoir how she has succeeded in life and brings these solutions to her audience. She also talks about her spouse's infidelity in her marriage and how she decided not to divorce but to continue. Send this podcast to your family, friends, and associates and ask them to subscribe. It's free! Go to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Dr. Robert O. Young discusses how reduced graphene oxide which is added to Covid-19 shots and boosters is killing us
Dr. Robert Young is a world-class scientific investigator and expert, especially on microscopic and sub-microscopic elements in human blood. In this podcast, Dr. Young describes a poison is being added to the Covid 19 shots and boosters, namely reduced graphic oxide which is killing us. Share this free podcast with your family, friends, and associates so that they can understand the truth, just below the surface. It is available at: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Dr. Mark Hayden tells the truth just beneath the surface concerning T Cell Immunity
In this podcast Dr. Mark Hayden, MD reveals the truth just below the surface about T cell natural immunity.
Monday, August 15, 2022
Why CDC Admitting Covid-19 Guidance was Wrong Is Not Enough
Even though the CDC COVID-19 Guidance Agency is admitting It was wrong, they still are holding on to unscientific directives to continue in this biggest man-made scam in human history to inject gene-altering DNA, and injecting people with self-assembling nanotubes and graphene oxide, self-assembling nanofibers circuit construction system at microscopic sizes to turn humans into walking WIFI systems with their own MAC address. New information from Tom Armstrong Kentucky representative and journalist.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
My most important podcast ever! Six Canadian medical doctors died within two weeks
These pictures will take your breath away. They start off with some statistics and stories but when you get about halfway down, you will see the pictures of the dead, The babies and the children. It will literally tear your heart apart.
When a Detroit TV station asked for any deaths from unvaccinated victims, but instead got 180,000 calls about the injured and dead of the vaccinated. You will read about a whistleblower on a lawsuit showing 48,485 dead. You will see a 2000% increase in fetal deaths. You'll see the babies and children now dead. You'll see the mockers of the anti-vaxx as well. They are dead too.
A video emerges where Fauci and others planned for a universal mRNA flu vaccine which became the Covid 19 MRNa vaccine. It said people were not afraid enough of the flu virus. It discusses young blood, a market for products made from the blood of children. At one time or another, you probably heard it all. Even babies get it from breastfeeding from mothers who were vaccinated.
Follow this link. Your life will never be the same again. https://vaccineimpact.com/
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Family Values by Dr. Donna Marks
In this podcast, my friend and addiction expert, Dr. Donna Marks, talks about three reasons why family values and traditions are important. Ask your family, friends, and associates to subscribe to this free podcast. They can access it easily at: freedomfrom addiction.libsyn.com.
Dr. Caxton Opere discusses intimidation of doctors and other significant Covid problems
In this podcast, Dr. Caxton Opere discusses the intimidation of doctors and other significant Covid issues. Send your friends to: freedomffromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Dr. Peter McCullough: The fox in the henhouse. His story
The American Board of internal medicine is attempting to remove Dr. McCullough's board certification for "misinformation". They refused to have an outside expert panel of doctors resolve the issue. Send your friends to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Dr. Betty Martini tells about monkeypox.
In this podcast, Dr. Betty Martini talks about monkeypox. She also talks about the relationship between aspartame poisoning and poisoning by the vaxx shot. send your friends to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Bryant Lusk discusses Heart Disease and Hypertension: Vitamin therapy for a healthy heart
Bryant Lusk discusses heart disease and hypertension and how they relate to vitamin and mineral supplementation therapy. For this program go to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Bryant's email is gene1fromchicago@gmail.com. His website is: https://bryantlusk.com.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Dr. Walt Karniski explains ADHD medication. Does it work and is it safe?
Today's podcast talks about the disease ADHD, about the diagnosis, and about medications. Dr. Karniski talks about whether these medications are effective and safe for long-term usage. He told me that they are not addictive. freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Lesley Reifert Hughes discusses "Frogglewogs"
Our podcast today talks about "Frogglewogs" which is a book of 16 poetic stories to teach children moral lessons to cope with their everyday lives. It provides the opportunity for parents to discuss with their children the stories to promote positive feelings about common children's issues. go to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Dr. Mark Hayden, MD discusses why DPRK has the lowest Covid deaths in the world.
Dr. Mark Hayden, MD (our expert on oral inoculation of live Covid,) discusses why North Korea has the lowest Covid death rate in the world.. Be sure to go back in the archives and listen to all of Dr. Hayden"s previous programs. Share this podcast with your family, friends, and associates (freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com) so that they will understand the truth just below the surface. It is free!
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Fentanyl exposure and treatment
A powerful, deadly narcotic is sweeping through our country. Here is up-to-date advice. Go to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com or Search Apple podcasts.
Dr. Robert O. Young discusses graphene oxide poisoning and Bentonite/Montmorillonite clay as an antidote for it.
Dr. Robert O. Young discusses graphene oxide poisoning and Bentonite/Montmorillonite clay as an antidote for it.
Go to Nancy Addison's website at https://www.organic healthy life.com to access her podcast with Dr. Young.
My free podcast can be found at https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Dr. Joseph Mercola tells: The Latest Tragedy
Dr. Joseph Mercola tells about the Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. SADS reports are increasing dramatically since the mRNA vaxx shot arrived on the scene. The report is compliments of mercola.com. https:/freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Dr. Betty Martini discusses the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
Dr. Betty Martini discusses on today's podcast the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. You can see the links to her research by going to her website which is www.mpwhi.com.
Betty's previous podcasts are archived on this site.
Listen to the facts just below the surface here today discussing the vaxx and aspartame.
Please subscribe to this podcast at https:/freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Dr. Betty Martini tells why children should not get the Covid jab. A letter to Senator Ossoff
Today's podcast is an email that Dr. Betty Martini sent to Senator Ossoff detailing why children should not receive the Covid jab, nor take aspartame as they both can cause death and autism. https:/freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Donna Marks, addiction expert, talks about anxiety and regrets associated with addiction
Donna Marks discusses why anti-anxiety medication doesn't help and factors concerning regret in addicts. Donna's powerful book, "Exit the Maze: One Addiction, One Cause, One Cure" is available on Amazon. https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Jean Walters talks about "Deep Truth."-Wisdom of the Masters
Jean Walters talks about practical steps to understand the universe, master the mind, develop intuition, deepen wisdom, and live an inspired life. htpps://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, June 3, 2022
Mara Branscombe discusses "Ritual as Remedy"
Mara Branscombe presents her book, "Ritual As Remedy," which is a guide to awaken freedom, joy, depth of spirit, and wild untamed self-love through daily rituals. https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Alicia McBride discusses empaths and narcissism
Alicia McBride discusses several aspects in relation to being an empath. There is a lot of metaphysical information in this podcast. She also relates a story of narcissistic control from her book: "The Empath Effect." Send your friends to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Dr. Robert Young discusses graphene and relationship to 5G radiation. He also speaks on monkeypox
Dr. Robert O. Young talks about the dangers of graphene and microwave 5G radiation. He also comments on monkeypox. Dr. Young's preview shows have been archived so that you can listen to them. https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The snake venom theory of Covid-19 causation
Monday, May 23, 2022
Foreign materials found in blood samples of recipients of Covid-19 vaccines
Three Korean Veritas doctors (Young Mi Lee MD, Sunyoung Park MD, and Ki-Yeob Jeon MD, have studied foreign materials in the blood samples of recipients of Covid-19 Vaxx shots. They previously found certain foreign materials and moving parasite-like entities in the Pfizer and Mark Madonna mRNA Covid-19 Vaxx shots. https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Lose the least, make the most. An opinion by James Cook
James Cook, the founder of " Investment rarities", gives his opinion on silver as the prime asset you should have these days. Also from his market update newsletter an opinion on disinformation by James Howard Kuntsler. You can get more information at 800-328-1860. https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Does the Covid jab kill more people than it saves?
According to CDC data, more than 1 million excess deaths-that is, deaths in excess of the historical average have been recorded since the Covid 19 pandemic began two years ago, and this cannot be explained by Covid-19. Deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia, and many other illnesses rose during that time.
My source is Dr. period Joseph Mercola. Send this podcast information to your family, friends, and associates. The podcast is free by subscription. Go to: freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
James Cook tells about loose money and silver.
James Cook is the founder of investment rarities which is almost 50 years old. I read his article from his newsletter on loose money and silver today. You can contact James at investmentrarities.com. Send your family, friends, and associates to this free podcast at: freedom from addiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, April 29, 2022
James Cook talks about "Subsidized Hell"
James Cook, owner of investment rarities, has a blog in his newsletter entitled "Subsidized Hell." He talks about the future of our currency and economy. He tells about how the progressive agenda of inflationary spending causes endless problems for society. Investment rarities can be contacted at 952-853-0700.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Dr. Robert Young discusses the mask mandate (Part 2) and lockdowns
Dr. Robert Young discusses the mask mandate (Part 2) and Lockdowns. We also talk about the reason no one wants to talk about Sweden and how they approached the problem. Please subscribe to my free podcast and share it with your family, friends, and others. It is available at https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Dr. Nancy Wiley discusses "Divine Trust"
From Dr. Nancy Wiley's personal experience, she is now absolutely certain that there is a divine presence that wants everyone to know it and trust it. In her book: "Divine Trust", she lays out a blueprint that anyone can easily follow to achieve this incredible state of divine bliss and trust for themselves and thereby achieve freedom from suffering. Share this podcast with your family, friends, and associates by going to https://freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Dr. Robert Young discusses the mask mandate with scientific studies
Breaking news: the mask mandate for airplanes and trains which was reversed by a federal judge and now will be appealed by the Department of Justice as everybody is confused. Dr. Robert Young will explain why masks are not efficacious but are harmful.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Dr. Donna Marks discusses Post-traumatic stress disorder. Three signs of the disease.
Dr. Donna Marks discusses the three signs that you're suffering from PTSD: flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety. Go to archives in this podcast and listen to Dr. Marks's show on "Exit the Maze: One Addiction, One Cause, One Cure.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
One hospital in one city in the United States using tax money to pay for illegals' medical care
Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas Texas spent $70.7 million delivering 15,938 babies in 2004 but managed to end up with almost $8 million in surplus funding. Medicare kicked in 34.5 million, Dallas County taxpayers kicked in 31.3 million, and the United States government tossed in another $9.5 million. No doubt in the current year the figures are up.
Friday, March 25, 2022
Candace Owens interviews Dr. Robert Malone i
In this podcast provided by Tom Armstrong, an investigative researcher for mission possible world health international, and Dr. Joseph Mercola, I talk about more truth just below the surface in respect to Covid-19. You can get the link to the Candace Owens interview by going to drmercola.com or www.wpwhi.com. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Unintended consequences of mRNA " Vaccines"
Dr. Stephanie Seneff in collaboration with Dr. Greg Nigh reviews unintended consequences of mRNA "Vaccines." She says the cure is worse than the disease. Also as explained by Dr. Peter McCullough information on the spike protein persistent damage.
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Dr. Betty Martini: personal correspondence concerning censorship
This podcast concerns personal correspondence from aspartame expert: Dr. Betty Martini. It relates her personal experience with death following the Covid-19 backs immunization. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Truth Just Below The Surface on COVID Deaths
This podcast explains the truth just below the surface about Covid deaths. My source and fact-checker is Dr. Joseph Macola. Did you know hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for Covid, every Covid diagnosis made, and every Covid death, as well as any time they use Remdesivir and mechanical ventilation? I explain why this is important www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Dr. Stephanie Seneff tells about post Vaxx Neuro- degenerative diseases
In this podcast, Dr. Stephanie Seneff discusses an alarming increase in several neurodegenerative diseases following Covid vaxxination in young people. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
One Last Christmas for a couple together for six decades who die one week apart
This podcast talks about a couple who were married over 60 years and died after contracting Covid, just one week apart. It also talks about Gregory Poland, MD who develop tinnitus after his Covid vaccine shot. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Dr. Henderson discusses Drug Addiction in The US
From his new Kindle book: Freedom from Addiction 4-The final message (available on Amazon.com as a Kindle book), Dr. Henderson explains who is responsible for drug addiction and what can be done about it.
www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com. www.revwinnhenderson md.com.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Dr. Catherine Shanahan reveals 8 Bad `Seed Oils` You Should Replace
According to Dr. Catherine Shanahan, MD, best known as Dr. Kate (drcate.com,) there are eight bad `seed oils`that you should eliminate from your diet. Using these oils can cause midday mental exhaustion, weight gain, anxiety, mood problems, migraines, and other types of headaches. I list Dr. Cate's top choices of multi-purpose oils that can be eaten cold and used for all types of cooking. Please subscribe to: www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Is sun exposure more important than supplemental vitamin D?
This podcast is based on a report by Dr. Joseph Mercola. You can see more of Dr. Mercola's work at www.mercola.com. Dr. Mercola talks about sun exposure, melatonin, and vitamin D and their interrelationships.
Please excuse the slight background noise on this recording as it was an unexpected technical error.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Non Medical Doctors are taking over the healthcare system
Tom Armstrong, investigative reporter for mission possible world health international says doctors are allowing hospital administrators and/or health insurance companies, including Medicare and Medicaid take decisions of patient treatment away from doctors and make the decision themselves. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Silver When All is Lost by James R. Cook
James R Cook, Pres. of investment rarities, a company he founded in 1973 will discuss his book "Silver-When all is lost." James Cook has a newsletter called Market Update which is extremely valuable for anyone who wants to know the value of precious metals in our eroding economy. To receive a free copy of his book and his newsletter, request it at www.investmentrarities.com
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Insurance Company Considers "Vaxxed" Suicide
Grand jury, the court of public opinion in France: Dr. Reiner Fullmich's opening statements are detailed. The insurance company failed to pay millions after the family's benefit dies from a Covid jab which was not disputed by the doctors nor his life insurance company the judge stated, "The experimental vaccine side effects are published and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab. There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore his death is essentially suicide. Suicide is excluded from his policy."
If anyone ever challenges you on whether these jabs are experimental or not, and that neither the Pharma companies, governments, nor anyone else but you are responsible for accepting them, and if you die, legally you have committed suicide. No insurance, no payouts, no refunds. You are on your own!
Friday, February 11, 2022
John Thibault discusses how to change a law.
In our podcast today, John Thibault discusses "Can you really change a law?" From his book of the same name. John talks about five common political mistakes, six reasons your representative won't listen to you, six ingredients your recipe needs for policy success, how to be a smart protester, and how to build a political persuasion platform. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Medical boards are threatening physicians licenses
In this podcast, which is sourced from reporter Matt McGregor of Epoch Times (with permission,) I talk about how physicians' medical licenses are being threatened by various medical boards over the issue of medical misinformation and disinformation.
Embalmers find veins and arteries filled with rubbery clots
This podcast is a worldwide exclusive as of January 27, 2022. Based on personal correspondence from Dr. Betty Martini is a story submitted by Dr. Jane Ruby as she was joined by board-certified embalmer and funeral director, Richard Hirschman. It tells about how he and other embalmers have been seeing "unnatural blood clots combinations with strange fibrous materials" clogging the arteries and veins of the deceased which started approximately six months after the vaccine rollout and which have been increasing from 50% of his embalm cases to almost 80%.
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Personal correspondence with Betty Martini concerning James Turner
Dr. Betty Martini announced the death of attorney James Turner. She had worked with him for years. He was a consumer attorney who wrote the "chemical feast" and was a Nader Raider. His important life work was in the field of neuroscience called ex- cytotoxicity. He was trying to prevent the approval of aspartame.
Tips Tips to a Younger Brain
In this podcast, we discover the essential supplements, exercise, using N-back, and mine-body balancing. I also list brain-boosting foods. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
How to keep conversations civil during Covid and beyond
This podcast features novelist Ivan Obolensky from Uruguay and we discuss various aspects of communication and conversation. Also, our talented guest tells about his novel: "Eye of the moon." www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Media Fakes First Omicron Death Story
On December 20, 2021, the US press went wild reporting that the first omicron death had been reported in Houston Texas. It claimed the man was killed by reinfection with omicron even though he'd recovered from a previous Covid 19 illness. As it turned out, this was fake news. The county health department could not confirm that the patient died "from" omicron, but only that he had tested positive for it at some time before his death. He had underlying health conditions. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Why do Variants Keep on Emerging Despite Vaccinations?
There is no end to all these Covid variants because by nature coronaviruses, like most viruses, evolve very fast. Also, there is the problem with "leaky vaccines." The source for this podcast is Covid Call to Humanity's, research team, and Dr. Edward Holmes.. wwwfreedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD and his OTC toolbox for Omicron
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD shares what six items are in his medical toolbox for omicron which does not require a prescription but can be purchased over the counter. One of my research associates, Dr. Betty Martini, agrees with all of his toolbox inclusions except for Pepcid because she says it includes aspartame. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
International common law court of justice's Indictment, verdict, and sentences.
This podcast reports on an international press release dated January 15, 2022. The ICLCJ issued its judgment today against 75 individuals for the crimes of genocide and criminal conspiracy. The court's verdict sentences the individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets, and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the father manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID "vaccines" as "products of medical genocide and mass murder". www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Friday, January 14, 2022
Are you being treated like a dog?
In this podcast, Cory Lynn of coreysdigs.com talks about the similarities between rabies shots for your dog and gene therapy shots for humans. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Are you addicted to Diet Coke? by Dr. Betty Martini
In this podcast, Dr. Betty Martini answered a letter by Vicki Young who is addicted to Diet Coke and suffers from Crohn's disease. Vicki is also on chronic therapy with Norco which is a combination of acetaminophen and Hydrocodone. If you would like to read the full letter, please contact Dr. Martini through her website at www.mpwhi.com (770 242 2599) If you would like to find out how to heal from the Diet Coke addiction, contact Dr. Henderson at www.revwinnhendersonmd.com. (828 508 7981)
Should we fear Omicron? by Mark Hayden MD.
At the time of this podcast, no omicron patients required mechanical ventilation. Omicron is very transmissible and makes up the vast majority of current Covid infections, but it is not a deadly virus. Search under this podcast for Dr. Mark Hayden for he has numerous podcasts concerning truth just below the surface. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Dr. Patrick Sanaghan talks about procrastination and what to do about it
"How to be a better procrastinator," as explained by Dr. Patrick Sannaghan who has been a procrastinator all his life but in spite of that earned a doctorate, wrote 12 books, and published 50 articles. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
Saturday, January 8, 2022
A Government_Report shows 95% of Omicron cases are in the vacinated.
A German government report found that more than 95% of reported cases of the omicron Covid-19 variant in the country were in vaccinated individuals. A recent Danish study found that after 90 days the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines will make you more likely to get infected from omicron, not less. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com
Good News from mRNA Scientist Dr. Robert Malone on Omicron
Dr. Robert Malone believes there is very good news emerging from the rapidly spreading coronavirus, omicron suggesting that God may have given the world a Christmas present. He said that omicron may well do what "vaxxines" have not been able to fully accomplish today which is to provide strong immunity. Omicron is very infectious and will spread quickly throughout the entire population. Now here's the good news, he continued, the number of deaths from omicron worldwide to date is less than 10 to my last count. That was while the New York Times tracker was showing 1 million cases on Monday.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
The ICU Guide for Families by Dr. Lara Goitein, MD
Lara Goitein, MD, a Harvard-trained physician specializing in intensive care and pulmonary medicine answers questions about her experience as an attending ICU physician. Very good book!
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Dr. Mark McDonald explains How To Break Free of the Fear Addiction
In this podcast, psychiatrist Mark McDonald, MD diagnoses the US as suffering from "mass delusional psychosis". He states that corporations and powerful individuals have engaged in a systemic "grooming" effort toward an irrational fear addiction. Without fear, they cannot rob us of our freedoms. He talks about what we can do about this problem. www.freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.
The source of this podcast is an interview between Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. McDonald.